Service you can trust, care only a small business can provide

Before we find the right style, we find what you need

We have an unmatched selection of frames for any occupation

The better you look the better you feel!

Your safety is our priority

At SafetyRX we believe in finding the right prescription and style for everyone!

The better your safety glasses fit your needs, the better protected you are from unfortunate workplace accidents.

The benefits of proper safety wear go beyond the jobsite

With the correct eyewear for your workplace, the less wear and tear on your daily eyewear

We believe in providing every customer with the best possible care

The people doing the hardest jobs deserve to be treated with care and respect. American main street was built on taking care of people like they are, well people. The big box stores do not take the time to learn your needs and dotcom operations do not give you the same level of care.

The better the fit of your safety glasses, the better you can perform on the job